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XJW3000 Super Character Curing Platform
  • XJW3000 Super Character Curing Platform

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XJW3000 Super Character Curing Platform

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Codigo del articulo:SIT-XJW-3000-PT

  • Precio Unitario : Mex.$ 142,818/set   (Aviso de Descuento) (Tiempo entrega 69-89 días)

  • Cantidad: set(s) Costo Total : MXN Mex.$142,818
  • Peso de Envio: 1100.0lb (500kg) freightFlete

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XJW3000 Super Character Curing Platform


Super Character Curing Platform is an intelligent platform which is useing a simple and elegant design style and has an intelligent operation display screen. It needs only to be operated by one key and very easy, and a foolproof operation mode may be achieved truly.


Machine type


Glass size


Working size


Boundary size

2.87M*1.65M*1.2M (Length*Width*Height)

Working air pressure


Supply voltage



3000W(heating tube 1500W)

UV wavelength 365nm

Advantages of curing platform:

Respond to call of the Government’s environmental protection and fulfill our duty on the environment protection and to society. 

1.The environmental friendly and odorless design may reduce smells of emissions arising from the operation, make workers feel more secure at the time of working, reduce losses arising from the flow of skilled workers, enhance the product yield, guarantee the product quality, make the surrounding neighbors suffer from the less troubles and make less complaints. 

2.The more optimized design may lower 30% of energy consumption and may select the solidifying area, make staff more comfortable at the time of plate-making. 


3.Flip-style design: The platform may be used more safely, operated efficiently, easy to use, and has lower maintenance costs and less failure rate of machinery, thus saving resource costs. 

4.The built-in operation display screen may be transported more safely, thus save the placement space. 

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