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5PC Social Distancing Flooring Tile Sticker
  • 5PC Social Distancing Flooring Tile Sticker
  • 5PC Social Distancing Flooring Tile Sticker
  • 5PC Social Distancing Flooring Tile Sticker

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5PC Social Distancing Flooring Tile Sticker

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Codigo del articulo:SIC-FS-01

  • Precio Unitario : Mex.$ 240/pc   (Aviso de Descuento) (Tiempo entrega 8-15 días)

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    Por Favor Eliga el Tipo: A B C
  • Cantidad: pack(s) (5pcs / pack) Costo Total : MXN Mex.$2,400
  • Peso de Envio: 1.5lb (0.7kg / pack) freightFlete

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The Benefits of Social Distancing Sticker:
Even though a simple solution, physical distancing decals have proven to actually work, and have seen plenty of benefit for
businesses that are using them. These benefits include the following:
The social distancing floor stickers are a great way to implement WHO’s preventive measures. Simply stick these social
distancing stickers on the floor three-feet from each other to ensure that customers adhere to the required distancing while queuing. These stickers can be used both in and outdoors.
For your customers who don’t have access to social media or any news channels, you can use your social distancing stickers to keep them informed on specific information.

* Help keep your customers and employees safe with these social distancing floor signs
* Easy to apply & remove, does not tear into small pieces when removing
* Ultra-tough polyester base - Anti-slip textured surface – Resists water, scratches, and tears
* Perfect for entrances and checkout lines


1. Clean the floor of dirt and debris and make sure it is dry.
2. Peel the decal from the backing paper.
3. Place the decal on the floor in the desired location.
4. Press the decal onto the floor starting from the middle and move outwards using your hands, credit card or squeegee.
5. Press around the edges.

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