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0.75mm Magnetico rollo 0.61x30m
  • 0.75mm Magnetico rollo 0.61x30m

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0.75mm Magnetico rollo 0.61x30m

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   |   63 Transacciones

Codigo del articulo:SIT-MGT-075T

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The flexible magnets are made by high quality ferrite magnet powder and thermoplastics. It does not contain any heavy metal or hazardous chemicals.It is plain brown, and produced by calendaring process.
It can be easily folded and twisted without damaging the magnetic property of the magnet. It also has excellent machinability and can be easily drilled, punched, scissor cut, knives cut and die cut. This type of magnet has the best flexibility characteristics of any permanent magnetic materials.

Width: 0.61m
Length: 30m
Thickness: 0.75mm
Magnetic Holding Strength: ≥35g / cm2


1. Print image on the vinyl with self-adhesive. If the vinyl back without adhesive, you can use double-sided tape. 
2. Laminate the image vinyl on the matt face of the rubber magnet.
3. Laminate the glossy face of the rubber magnet to the metal base.

The flexible magnetic sheet specifically used for driving vehicles, also can be used on static objects such as Refrigerator magnets, business cards, Car Signs, displays, shelf/file labels,  menu boards, planning boards, education item, toys, pop system,etc.
1. Driving Vehicles

2. Billboards

3. Menu Boards

4. Displays and Posters

5. Teaching Tools

6. Metal Cabinet

7. Refridgerator

Warm Tips:
Rubber magnet is weak magnetic, only for advertising display, teaching tools used, can not carry things, please do not use flexible magnet to take coins, nails, wrenches and other heavy weights.

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