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Creality CR-6 Max 3D Printer 400*400*400mm
  • Creality CR-6 Max 3D Printer 400*400*400mm

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Creality CR-6 Max 3D Printer 400*400*400mm

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Codigo del articulo:3DP-CXSW-CR-6MAX

  • Precio Unitario : Mex.$ 24,671/set   (Aviso de Descuento) (Tiempo entrega 69-89 días)

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    Por Favor Eliga el Tipo: EU AU US UK
  • Cantidad: set(s) Costo Total : MXN Mex.$24,671
  • Peso de Envio: 49.9lb (22.7kg) freightFlete

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Additional features the Creality CR-6 Max 3d printer will include:
Modular Nozzle: Creality designed the nozzle with modularity in mind. Users can disable the nozzle and change the heat block, heat sink, Teflon tube, or the nozzle tip with the included spares.
Extruder: The redesigned extruder should allow for easier feeding of filament.
Filament Sensor: The CR-6 Max 3d printer is equipped with a photoelectric filament sensor detecting any possible filament breakage or runout.
Resume Print Function: Outages or disconnections should be no problem for the CR-6 Max because it can fully recover and resume the print when it’s back up.
32-Bit Motherboard: The CR-6 SE reached one of its stretch goals on Kickstarter, meaning that both the SE and the Max will be delivered with a 32-bit motherboard for enhanced performance.
TMC2209 Motor Drivers: Another stretch goal, Creality will be adding TMC2209 motor drivers for more precise and quiet printing.
Mean Well Power Supply: Clarified in Creality’s latest update, the CR-6 SE and CR-6 Max will be shipping with high-quality Mean Well power supplies for extended hardware life and your peace of mind.

CR-6 MAX FDM 3D Printer Properties
Modeling Technology: FDM(Fused Deposition Modeling)
Printing Size: 400x400x400mm
Supported Materials: PLA/TPU/PETG/ WOOD
File Transfer: USB/Memory card
CR-6 MAX FDM 3D Printer Hardware
Machine size : 725x640x691mm
Motherboard: Silent motherboard
Nominal Voltage: 100v-240v
Rated Power: 500W
Output Voltage: 24V
CR-6 MAX FDM 3D Printer Extruder Hardware
Layer Thickness: 0.1-0.4mm
Print Resolution: ±0.1mm
Nozzle Temperature: ≤260℃
Nozzle Diameter: 0.4mm as standar
Hotbed Temperature: ≤90℃

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